It pains me to admit to all you Evil Pagan Lefties that are now intravenously injecting latte as you read this, but I was wrong, and Andrew Bolt was right :
"An unhappy columnist who writes what seems to me a plea for help, and who confesses she is indeed in trouble, should not be kept in harness by a newspaper hoping to win extra sales from her growing despair."Maybe mainstream media columnists with mental health issues should not be allowed to write professionally, and not simply because their ruthless bosses might be taking advantage of their illness by allowing them to publish all manner of twaddle and old wank for the entertainment of readers.
The Professional Idiot should step up to for a battery of psychiatric examinations immediately.
After all, as he repeatedly tells his readers, he is a top columnist with Australia's biggest selling daily newspaper and he also mind dumps into a blog that has had "one million hits this month" (but that would be last month when Bolt scored a three day link on the Drudge Report, which records 20 million views a day). He is influential. He gets through. He's utterly convinced me with his faultless argument.
With all the non-binge drinking resulting street violence and "stripped" children on display in obscure magazines, our society is clearly too fragile to survive the mentally ill writing for daily newspapers, particularly as columnists. That's what the Internet is for!
So The Professional Idiot should go first, to make sure he is mentally and emotionally fit to hold such awesome responsibility as writing a Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper column. We clearly can't afford to take any chances.
We need to know if Andrew Bolt is mentally competent to hold his current job, showing the same sort of concern he showed in once again using his expansive media exposure to push for the writer Catherine Denevy to be sacked from her job with The Age newspaper. Her exit from the Herald Sun's only competition has been part of the The Professional Idiot's agenda for some two years now.