Wednesday, October 28, 2009
First Dog On The Moon, over at Crikey, has made some truly gruesome Halloween masks.
Here's the femoral-gnashing Julia Bishop and Christopher 'Poodle' Pyne :
The horrorrrrr.
I triple dare Julia Gillard to slip on the Demon Poodle mask during QT.
If only....
More at Crikey
By Darryl Mason
Janet Albretchsen ramps up the booga-booga, and supplies a list of talking points and questions for the Opposition to bombard the Rudd government with in Question Time, which they will surely do, as soon as today :
According to this ABC board member, the Copenhagaen Climate Change Treaty is a secret World Government plot.
How long I've waited for the day that Parliament House erupts with questions and yelling about "World Government!" Nexus Magazine circa-1987 was right, after all. At least on Planet Janet.
Hopefully, Tony Abbott will be allowed to ask KevinRuddPM when Australians will be implanted with New World Order/World Government! RFID chips (secreted inside mandatory depopulating swine flu vaccinations of course), to keep them under control as the wealth of the few is handed over to placate the poverty of the many.
Then again, Janet and her fellow pro-war nutters in the Murdoch media also believed that bombing the absolute fuck out of Iraq and Afghanistan would bring peace to the Middle East.
Janet Albretchsen's source for her UN/NWO/World Government! claims come through Lord Christopher Monckton, Third Viscount of Benchley, who likes to refer to climate scientists as "bedwetters" and the American president as "Osamabamarama".
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The shark in the movie Jaws was about 8 metres long.
The shark believed to have taken a bite out of this shark off the Queensland coast....
....has been estimated to be at least at least 5 metres long.
A detail of those massive bite wounds :
Staircases are more of a threat to the average Australian's mortality than sharks.
Even fucking huge ones.
Paul McCartney joins Twitter, and is immediately beset by questions. Some very funny, very entertaining questions. Highlights from the #AskPaul thread, before it got nasty :
Does marijuana grow in Scotland, or is there not enough light?Such treatment of the man who wrote Helter Skelter (and Frog Chorus) is the Twitter punishment for opening an account for no reason other than to flog your concerts and Europe Travel/Gig packages.
Are you really the Walrus or was John full of shit?
Do you know any cheats for The Beatles Rock Band?
If you put a chameleon in a house of mirrors, what colour would it turn?
Do you still keep in touch with Mark Chapman?
At your age, do you still do it in the road?
If Stephen Hawkings and the Mona Lisa were in a burning caravan which would you save?
Do you ever listen to "Pipes Of Peace" while pushing a red-hot tuning fork up your arse? I know I do.
You think you're better than me, don't you?
Have you ever killed a drifter with your bare hands just to see him die?
Which record am I supposed to play backwards for the Satanic messages?
Ebony or Ivory?
Who exactly were the band on the run from?
Why did you give up music after the Beatles split?
Who did you like better, The Beatles or The Stones?
When brushing your teeth in the mirror, do you ever shake your hair excitedly and squeal "Ooooooo!"?
If all The Beatles were alive today, which one do you think would die first?
Do you ever get sick of people saying "I told you so" re Heather Mills?
If we all lived in yellow submarine, who would be the unlucky one cleaning the communal toilet?
Can I do a poo at your house?
Is it fair to say you were the Billy Corgan of Wings?
Which do you think is better, "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" or that one you did?
How much did you pay Axl Rose to let you cover Live And Let Die?
Not sure I want to buy a ticket for your gig. Can you come round my house and give me a preview?
You can #AskPaul McCartney a question yourself here.
Monday, October 26, 2009
UPDATE : And here's director George Miller from a few days ago, at the media launch for the start of pre-production of Fury Road :
Other names not considered for the fourth film in the franchise :
Mad Max : Rage Street
Mad Max : Anger Drive
Mad Max : Ferocity Lane.
Mad Max : Vehemently Perturbed & Disgruntled Alley
Sunday, October 25, 2009
This is exactly the sort of headline I've been waiting for years to see on ABC News. My motorcycle covered with 30 spinning, slashing machetes is ready to go to work :
But, dammit, when you actually read through Gary Kemble's story, you discover it's the Fourth Annual Zombie Walk, where thousands dressed up as the undead, and doused themselves in fake blood and chocolate sauce, as a charity drive for the Brain Foundation.
The Brisbane ZombieWalk organisers should get a prize for coming up with a very popular zombie-related event that actually raises money for brain disease research. Bravo.
And this image by Guilio Saggin, from ABC News, must be a contender for a 2009 News Photo Of The Year :
Gary Kemble has a whole load more photos and videos here, including zombie dogs and arm munching.
@cosmicjester also covered the Brisbane ZombieWalk :
More ZombieWalk photos from CosmicJester here
Previously On The Orstrahyun : Interview With A Zombie
10 year old New Zealand girl Abby Wutzler was holidaying in Samoa with her family when the tsunami smashed into the island. She is believed to have saved dozens of lives because she noticed the sea being suddenly sucked out and then ran along the beach shouting, "The water is going out. Tsunami!"
Abby had learned about the behaviour of tsunamis in school.
Her story, in a report by Kerrie Ritchie, recently featured on Radio National.
STUDENT: Was anybody in the water?Her mother, Vicky Wutzler, believes her daughter saved her life :
ABBY WUTZLER: Yes, heaps of people, not everyone in the water made it. I think my dad said we heard on the beach there were about 15 bodies washed up.
"(Her warning) most definitely saved a lot of lives in the process, mine included because I would never have got out."Abby clearly remembers what she saw that terrible day :
"You look from one side and you saw this wasteland of stuff and you look at the other side and it's lovely and green and things but hmm, then you pretty much wish you were a bird to fly away."The Full Radio National Report Is Here
In Britain, The "Not The Nazis" Party Call For White Riots Against "Ethnic Classes"
By Darryl Mason
A recent piece from the Herald Sun's resident conspiracy theorist, Andrew Bolt, gets picked up by Alex Jones' Prison Planet website, which often details for its massive readership a perceived American reality where President Obama is destroying the American Republic for the New World Order, where swine flu vaccinations are part of a depopulation program and where 9/11 Truth is gospel :
Andrew Bolt :
Robert Manne, a Jewish academic, wants to use the Holocaust dead to smear sceptics who dare see evidence that man may not be heating the world disastrouslySome of the comments feserted up by Bolt's story on Jewish academic Robert Manne :
"A ‘carbon tax’ is just a transfer of wealth from white people to non-white.""Look up the word “holocaust” in a good pre-1970 dictionary – It means; “a burnt offering wholly burnt by fire”. Think about that!! A burn offering to whom? Hitler? God? Rothschild’s NWO? I deny man made global warming and “burnt offerings” to the NWO."
"Any intelligent person who has studied Global Warming and the Holocaust knows they are BOTH BULLSHIT. Both are JEWISH PROPAGANDA used to set the stage for the NWO and Global Marxism. Holocaust is 100% COMMUNIST/MARXIST JEW BULLSHIT. 9/11 is ZIONIST/MARXIST JEW BULLSHIT
Global Warming is MARXIST JEW BULLSHITNWO = Jew Communism/Marxism + Jew Central Banking + Jew Mass Media
Murder has no Statute of Limitations. DEATH TO THEM AND THEIR ACCOMPLICES."
"Holocaust is just another Jew invented CONSPIRACY THEORY to blame innocent Germans, just like 9/11 is a CONSPIRACY THEORY to blame innocent Arabs. BOTH violate basic science."
"Another Jewish “Laureate” running off with the mouth reinforcing the myth of the Holocaust or, as we call it, The “Hoaxacaust”. The lies have become so intertwined with bullshit that the truth is long gone. We can only know one thing about these enemies of mankind. “How can you tell when an Zionist is lying? His lips are moving.”
"....after Jewbags unleashed their own treachery, I don’t even feel bad for holocaust victims. Hitler was right. Imagine no Israel…. Beautiful world."
Andrew Bolt has developed an interest in British National Party leader, Nick Griffin :
"...the BNP politicians, although unpleasant, are not the Nazis"Nick Griffin of the "Not The Nazis" Party :
“I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat.”A Bolt reader, at the Herald Sun, inspired by the 'Keep Britain White' mantras of Nick Griffin, unfurls a Griffin-minded conspiracy theory transplanted to Australia :
Muslims make up less than 2% of the Australian population.Australia will go the same way (as England) unless we elect some leaders now who are willing to make some decisions unpopular with the left and the politically correct.
Unless we make what for some are tough decisions now - ending Muslim immigration for one - we’ll end up having to make much more difficult choices later.
In 10-20 years we’ll be in the same awful situation the British find themselves now, more and more intimidated by a huge, angry, threatening minority of Muslims who demand and receive more special concessions every year. Unless we act now to stop it.
If we don’t then we’ll eventually have our own version of the BNP in power and probably some kind of civil war.
Of course it’s almost impossible to imagine the Rudds, Turnbulls, the Hockeys and the Swans of our political class being prepared to do something even a bit controversial now to save possible bloodshed or Islamification of Australia later.
They would laugh airily and tell us not to be so alarmist, while continuing to bring in a growing stream of Muslim immigrants who see Australia as a new land to add to the Dar al Islam.
The politicians will continue to indignantly demmand that we stop asking them to discriminate right up to the day the islamofascists saw off their heads.
UPDATE : The BNP's legal officer Lee Barnes thinks Nick Griffin is far too moderate, and mainstream, and announces violence is essential in their quest for more intolerance :
More calls for low-level civil war.Barnes complained on his personal website that Griffin "should have stood up to these whining, middle-class hypocrites that use the race card for self-enrichment – and thrown the truth right back into their fat, sanctimonious, hypocritical, self-serving faces".
"...perhaps there needs to be a few 'white riots' around the country a la the Brixton riots of the 1980s before the idiot white liberal middle class and their ethnic middle-class fellow travellers wake up".
Which is, of course, exactly the kind of activity the upper class elites that nationalists used to fight against want the working classes and middle glasses to all get caught up in.
The ultra-wealthy, that is those with the most to lose, have always preferred the rest to squabble and fight amongst themselves. Over scraps.
The Lee Barnes and Andrew Bolts of politics and the mainstream media fan the embers of discontent into fireballs.
UPDATE : On October 27, Andrew Bolt appears to have a felt pressing need to make this statement on this blog :
Those who are enemies of Jews today are also the foes of Western civilisation.Maybe he's just softening his readers up for a War On Iran.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
He had no choice.
If you piss off the Indonesians, the cartoonists at the Jakarta Post will go hard and shred you mercilessly, even if you are the prime minister of Australia.
As John Howard and Alexander Downer discovered, in April 2006 :
You probably didn't need to see that again. No doubt, it's already burned into your mind, forever.
UPDATE : I spoke to soon. The Indonesian president is reportedly heading to Australia next month for "crisis talks" with Kevin Rudd. Jakarta Post cartoonists sit ready and waiting....
By Darryl Mason
Seven years after an aborted attempt to film the long overdue sequel, Mad Max 4 : Fury Road, is finally going into production, and will start shooting next year in New South Wales.
The Daily Telegraph reports that work on the film will start immediately, injecting tens of millions of dollars into the economy and creating more than 500 jobs.American actress Charlize Theron has reportedly signed on to co-star, with Sam Worthington expected to take over the role of 'Max' from Mel Gibson.
Miller's company Kennedy Miller Mitchell will start pre-production immediately.
Today's mainstream media stories fail to mention that director George Miller has already said the new movie will be animated (in Japanese anime style), and will be released in 3D, in 2011 :
“The anime is an opportunity for me to shift a little bit about what anime is doing because anime is ripe for an adjustment or sea change,” he explained. “It’s coming in games and I believe it’s the same in anime."Has Miller now dumped plans for a 3D animated Fury Road? It seems unlikely, as he's already spent close to three years developing a video game to accompany and expand the scope and history of the new Mad Max tale.
Worthington, or whoever takes on the lead male role, will not be playing Max Rockatansky. If director George Miller sticks to the Fury Road script that is being used to develop the video game, the new 'Max' will be a modified clone of the original Max, with most of the action set way into the future.
Here's a summary of the Fury Road script as it read back in the early 2000s :
The new film is set two centuries on from where we last left Max, wandering the wastelands at the end of third instalment, Beyond Thunderdome.
While the first two films saw women and gasoline as being the most precious resources left to be plundered by biker road armies, and water became a plot catalyst in Beyond Thunderdome, this time around the unpolluted DNA of human 'pure breeds' will be the treasure all seek to possess.
Gibson's Max is expected to show up in the new film in flashbacks, to reveal what happened to him in the last years of his life, before the new Max, a 'son' derived from his DNA, takes over the story.
The new Max's mission will be to act as a 'protector' and escort a group of non-mutants across the wastelands with their precious stock of unpolluted DNA. This pure DNA stock is desired by the mutant hordes, as it can be used to clean up their genes, and make them resistant to the radioactivity that still infects the land.
If you don't think a 3D CGI-anime Mad Max movie can work, wait until you see what James Cameron has achieved with Avatar, due for release in December.
George Miller will not be able to resist the temptation to try and make his movie even more spectacular, more mind-blowing, than Cameron's.
More Here
Getting Nostalgic For A Post-Apcalyptic Aftermath
Friday, October 23, 2009
Keeping Communities Safer By Making Pies Cooler
Auckland policeman, and sage philosopher, Guy Baldwin asks a late night poignant question :
"It's three o' clock in the morning, you're buying a pie from the BP service station...what must you always do?"
Not surprisingly, this clip is going viral, fast. T-shirts first, then the refit Hitler Downfall clip.
BP service stations in New Zealand must be stoked. The smart ones will quickly put up ;-) signs to cash in.The line "always blow on the pie" is now printed on t-shirts which are for sale around Auckland.
Sergeant Baldwin says he was not being serious.
"As a policeman if we can make people laugh then great because in reality what we do isn't funny," he said.
Though they'll have to be careful in the wording.
Telling customers "We've Already Blown On These Pies" won't help sales.
(via garykemble)
Is Kevin Rudd's flippy stance on asylum seekers a future-focused strategy to make him more popular? Or less?
Kevin Rudd, October 2006 :
"Another great challenge of our age is asylum seekers. The biblical injunction to care for the stranger in our midst is clear. The parable of the Good Samaritan is but one of many which deal with the matter of how we should respond to a vulnerable stranger in our midst.Kevin Rudd, October 2009 :"We should never forget that the reason we have a UN convention on the protection of refugees is in large part because of the horror of the Holocaust, when the West (including Australia) turned its back on the Jewish people of Germany and the other occupied countries of Europe who sought asylum during the '30s."
"I make absolutely no apology whatsoever for taking a hard-line on illegal immigration to Australia".As Chris Ulhmann, on ABC OffAir, makes clear, in a crystal clear deconstruction of Rudd's religious politicism :
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
"...this Government makes no apology whatsoever for the fact that we have a tough line on asylum seekers"
* * * * * * * * * * * *
"(The Liberal Party) is a party without one skerrick of moral compass when it comes to people smuggling", he said.
Rudd's moral compass on asylum seekers now appears to be spinning crazily, searching for the strongest attraction.The Opposition's compass at least has the virtue of pointing, roughly, in one direction.
The Government has softened Australia's stance towards asylum seekers and it is determined to maintain strong border protection. These are not mutually exclusive propositions and there are defensible, reasons for doing both.
But confronted with a rising tide of boat people it panicked because it was scared its policy changes would be blamed for the influx and the electorate would punish it.
But when RuddGov's poll numbers fall five or six points in the next few weeks, and the TurnOpp stages its biggest poll boost this year, will Kevin Rudd be upset?
Or happy?
I'm going with happy.
Rudd doesn't want to go into the 2010 federal elections with 70% of Australians favouring him as prime minister. Where's the challenge in that?
He'll be even happier when the heated protests by die-hard RuddLabor voters, appalled at his fliporama on asylum seekers, begin.
If they begin....
By Darryl Mason
Probably the funniest thing about the debut of John Safran's new series Race Relations was the tailored warning to sensitive viewers from the ABC's Director of Television, Kim Dalton, "urging conservative viewers not to watch the program" :
"If you think you are going to be offended or outraged (or want to be offended or outraged) then don’t tune in," Kim Dalton says.More bias from the ABC.
Why should conservatives get tailor-made viewer warnings from ABC directors that a show might contain 'liberal' content that may cause them offence? Where are the viewer warnings for Lefties when Piers Akerman makes an appearance on Insiders?
In the end, Safran's Race Relations proved to be wholly uncontroversial, and far milder than most were led to believe by tabloid media hype and a concerted effort to whip up more Chaseresque MoralOutrage! hysteria before the first episode even aired.
According to this story, only five complaints were received by the ABC over Race Relations, even though an audience of more than 700,000 tuned in, mostly people under the age of 30.
It's not that there wasn't challenging content in the show, it's that the public seems well bored by the kind of confected controversy that click-bait hungry online media try to whip up on a nearly daily basis now.
The ruse didn't work this time, Australians refused to play along, and in the end Race Relations debuted with barely a whimper of MoralOutrage!
It will be worth watching to see how the rest of Race Relations unfolds, but it feels like they're giving far too much away in the promos. Burning away at our interest, our curiosity about what Safran is going to get up to next. The constant promos are like spoiler material, killing the surprises to come. Oh look, Safran blacks up next week, and when is the episode on when he goes on dates as a chick, or as the Elephant Man?
Hearing for weeks that John Safran masturbates over a photo of Barack Obama was a lot funnier than actually seeing it done.
It's not enough to simply make us cringe. That's far too easy. Safran's big missions is to challenge our minds, our prejudices and our beliefs with his look at inter-racial love and relationships in a world where the White Man-Dominated 20th Century is already fading fast in the rear-view mirror of history.
The Full First Episode Of Race Relations Is Here
Thursday, October 22, 2009
One of the last clips of the now dead Don Lane, before dementia demolished his mind. What a stunning moment of Australian live TV this Grant Page car hit was :
I still have video-vivid memories of Don Lane trying to interview a thrillingly manic Robin Williams; Evil Kneivel boasting about his abandoned plans to sleep with Elizabeth Taylor and dive out of a airplane without a parachute; Hunter S. Thompson, his coat draped over his shoulder, announcing something like "What The Fuck Am I Doing With This On My Fucking Shoulder" (stunningly, the swear word went to air, excitement!) and Doris Stokes, playing her Other Side medium illusions for all they were worth, but also helping audience members to grieve for those they'd lost, some crying about a dead parent, or child, for the first time.
Fantastic viewing, whether you were 8 or 78.
Does anybody else remember Don Lane calling phone boxes in New York or London and telling the person who answered they were now talking live on Australian TV? Brilliant. How innovative such a simple international phone call seemed back then. And how full of eight- year-old outrage and scorn we were at school the next day when someone who answered in the US had asked "Ahhstroolarn? Where's that?" How could they not know?
Thank you, Mr Lane. You did a great show.
Here's a tribute, of sorts, to Don Lane by Paul Hogan, from the mid-1980s :
By Darryl Mason
In three decades of aerial and ground exploration of the surface of Mars, millions of photographs have been generated and released, with the human mind finding some very familiar things in all those often strange surface details of our closest planetary neighbour.
So far, we've had 'The Young Face' On Mars :
The Not So 'Red Planet' Anymore Mars :
The 'Woman' On Mars :
The 'Human Skull' On Mars :
The 'Doorway' On Mars :
The 'Pyramids' Of Mars :
The 'Lake & Shrubs' On Mars :
And now we have The Eye Of Mars :
More On The Eye On Mars Here
You see what you want to see.
Fantastic :
I guess this proves the backgrounds on Channel Nine's 6pm News, at least, are live.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The short version is this : we are fighting an unwinnable war in Afghanistan, everybody knows it, particularly the Taliban, and US President Obama is unlikely to deploy the tens of thousands of additional soldiers the Pentagon is now demanding.
Unofficially, negotiations with the Taliban have already begun, with a gestating NATO plan to pay its fighters, and warlord aligned allies, not to blow up or shoot foreign troops, as the French had been doing secretly for years. Paying the enemy not to try and kill you is a strategy that proved successful with the Sunni-dominated insurgency in Iraq.
Defence Minister John Faulkner appears to have already gotten the word that Australia's role in the Afghanistan war is set to wind down, fast, and before leaving for a NATO meeting on the war, Faulkner pre-announced the news to the media, and the public, in preparation for the official announcements that will soon follow :
More Here....Faulkner says he is exploring options to get Australian troops out of Afghanistan earlier than expected.
Australia has around 1,500 troops in Afghanistan, where they are mainly focused on training a fourth brigade of the Afghan National Army. No specific date has been set for their return.
Australia's pre-announce makes international headlines, with the announcement from Faulkner set to feed into heated debate in the US and the UK about their reluctance to commit more troops.
Raw Story :
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The ABC's Virginia Trioli on Nationals senator Barnaby Joyce :
Barnaby Joyce :
"Maybe I am crazy. Maybe this isn't parliament but an asylum. And if I'm not Barnaby, who am I? And then, who is Barnaby? If I am crazy, it would explain a lot about this place."I'd like to hear more from the Existential Barnaby Joyce.
Virginia Trioli and Barnaby Joyce on Insiders in 2005 :
They've been sparring, happily, for years.VIRGINIA TRIOLI: Barnaby....Kim Beazley, the Opposition Leader, mentioned to me on Friday that he thinks you're a spent political force, that you've been bought off left, right and centre.... How do you respond?
SENATOR BARNABY JOYCE: I respect that he would have a very good position to make a judgment like that.
VIRGINIA TRIOLI: You're learning, mate, you're learning!
Barnaby Joyce uses the controversy kicked off by Trioli's unprofessionalism to good effect in this piece published at The Punch :
If You Think I'm Crazy, Take A Look At The ETSVirginia Trioli apologised to Joyce yesterday (or begged for his forgiveness), and apologised on ABC 2 this morning.
@craigreucassel, on Twitter :
"(I admire) the way Virginia Trioli helps the hearing impaired understand a Barnaby Joyce interview."