Showing posts with label phobias. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phobias. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2010

They Should Be Scared, If Our Serial Killers Don't Get Them, Our Psychotically Violent Fauna Will

They just make this shit up, so everyone has a definable and thereby treatable phobia :
Novahollandiaphobia - Fear of Australia, Australians, Australian culture etc.
There's a lot to choose from in that list, of course there is, but I think this is my favourite surreal phobia :
Chronophobia - Fear of time
Actually, it's probably a toss up between that, and this :
Levophobia - Fear of things to the left side of the body.
And I have to cram this one in, because hearing or seeing the name of the phobia should trigger incidents of the phobia in 'sufferers' :
Macroxenoglossophobia - Fear of long, strange words.
Sorry if you've just crumbled in a shattered heap.

Come Visit Beautiful Australia.....And Die
