Monday, March 23, 2015

When Australians Would Pose The Dead For Trophy Shots

Wonder what the kid in the photo below thought years later about being present for the trophy photo shoot of a dead member of the Kelly Gang?

Today, a child being present when terrorists pose corpses for photos is deemed a foul and disgusting outrage, which, of course, it is. But there's something just so casual and everyday about the people in the photo you get the sense this was not uncommon

Background on this extraordinary pic, which turns out to be Australia's First Press Photo
Captured by J.W, Lindt in 1880, the photo shows the dead body of a member of Ned Kelly's infamous gang, strung up on a door outside the jail house in Benalla in regional Victoria.

Joe Byrne died from loss of blood after being shot in the groin during the  siege of Glenrowan pub. Another photographer is pictured mid-shot, while an illustrator walks away from the new technology with his hat on and portfolio tucked under his arm.

The image is part of an exhibition called The Photograph and Australia at the Art Gallery of NSW, open now until June 8

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Angus Young On His Brother Malcolm's 7 Year Long Fight With Dementia

Angus Young on his brother Malcolm's dementia is devastating:
“Malcolm was always very organised. And it was kind of strange for the first time to see him disorganised, being confused about a lot of things. That’s when it kind of hit me — there’s something not right with him.“
I thought that at times it was not Malcolm with me. He would say at the time: ‘I have good days and I have bad days.’ Later on, when he got diagnosed – he had brain shrinkage, and he got diagnosed in America and they gave him some medication to help him – I said: ‘Are you going to be fit for this? Because it’s going to be a hefty tour.’ And he said: ‘We’ll do it. We’ll do it.’
“He was not well when we went to do the Black Ice album. His symptoms of dementia were starting then, and he got through it. I had said to him, even before we did the album: ‘Are you sure you want to do this? I have to know that you really want to do it.’ He was the one who said: ‘Yes! We’ve really got to do it.’
As mentioned in previous stories here, Malcolm Young's dementia affected him, and his live performance, all the way through the Black Ice world tour.
“It was hard work for him. He was relearning a lot of those songs that he knew backwards; the ones we were playing that night he’d be relearning.”

“He was his own driver. He himself had that thing, where you’ve just got to keep going ..
“Sometimes you would look and he’d be there, and you’d be, ‘Malcolm!’ And you’d have a really great day and he’d be Malcolm again. And other times, his mind was going. “But he still held it together. He’d still get on the stage. Some nights he played and you’d think: ‘Does he know where he is?’ But he got through.” 
 AC/DC singer Brian Johnson said of performing with Malcolm on the Black Ice tour:
“Can you imagine knowing you’re not sure about (what’s happening)? You know where you are, put it that way, but your mind’s playing tricks. He was brilliant. He did brilliant.”
The singer adds that the other band members wanted to step in and help, but they were worried about denting Malcolm’s pride.

“It was tough. But you couldn’t say anything or do anything, because it would have been like giving pity. You had to treat it like a normal day. So we did. He said, keep making music. Without any of that sympathy stuff, you know? So we did..."
Angus also tells a story from his childhood, watching his older brother George suddenly become famous with The Easybeats:
“I knew my brother was in bands, but I’d never seen him play. I remember coming home from school and seeing all these people outside the house, and I couldn’t get in the house. There was all these police, all these schoolgirls … I’m this little kid saying to the policeman: ‘I live in this house!’ ‘Yeah kid, sure.’ I went right round the block then asked the people behind: ‘Can I go over your fence so I can get in my house?’ That’s how I found out my brother had a hit. My father, he said: ‘You tell no one.’ At school I couldn’t say what my brother did. There’d be some kids at the bottom of the street saying: ‘Angus, that’s your brother.’ And I’m going ‘I’m not allowed to talk about it.’”
The secrecy that surrounded the Young family was present in Angus' childhood, and fixed in his early memories. For him to be so open with the media about Malcolm's dementia has surprised even some of Angus' friends. But it's important. And it raises awareness on dementia. Angus Young didn't have to front an anti-dementia campaign, just talking about what happened to Malcolm, so honestly, will make a big difference and raise awareness of what dementia can do to middle-aged people, too.

The Full Story Is Here

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Angus Young Reveals His Brother Malcolm Has Been Suffering Symptoms Of Dementia Since 2008

By Darryl Mason

In one of the most personal interviews he's ever given, AC/DC's Angus Young has opened up about his brother Malcolm, now in a Sydney care facility suffering from dementia.

"It's something that had actually been happening for a long time," Angus Young told Rolling Stone magazine, meaning Malcolm's lapses in concentration and ability to remember riffs he'd written was failing as far back as 2008, when the band recorded the Black Ice album.

"(Malcolm was) still capable of knowing what he wanted to do. I had said to him, 'Do you want to go through with what we're doing?' And he said, 'Shit, yeah.' "

Touring through 2008-2010 saw Malcolm receiving treatment on the road, and had to re-learn some of the band's most famous songs, which, Angus said, "was very strange for him. But...we made it work."

But then, "with the condition he got in, that kind of faded."

Malcolm and Angus Young had been writing for a new album since 2008, and all the songs on the new album Rock Or Bust are credited to the brothers, Young-Young, but Malcolm didn't play on the new album. Rhythm guitars are supplied by Angus' cousin Stevie Young, who used Malcolm's guitars and amps.

Singer Brian Johnson revealed the future of AC/DC, beyond unspecified touring in 2015, is all up to Angus Young. He decides now if the band continues beyond next year.

It certainly seems drummer Phil Rudd, recently arrested in New Zealand, and rumoured to be fighting drug addiction, won't be joining AC/DC on tour. Rudd turned up for the album recording sessions in Vancouver, Canada. But, claims producer Brendan O'Brien, Rudd was 10 days late, and was almost replaced there and then.

Angus Young told Rolling Stone, his brother Malcolm "still likes his music. We make sure he has his Chuck Berry, a little Buddy Holly."

The same music the brothers Young grew up listening to, when they dreamed of becoming famous musicians and taking on the world.

A dream they've both lived to see become reality.

The Full Rolling Stone Story Is Here

Friday, November 07, 2014

Highway To Hell For Phil Rudd, AC/DC Slammed For "Cold" Response To Bad News

UPDATE: Incredibly, New Zealand police have now decided they made a mistake charging Phil Rudd with attempting to procure a murder, and have dropped the charge.

Rudd's lawyer, Mr Mabey, stated: "I was advised by the Crown Solicitor Hollister-Jones that he had reviewed the police file and the available evidence to support the charge of attempting to procure murder. He had formed the view that there was insufficient evidence to justify that charge. He has now withdrawn the charge."

Mr Mabey said the charges "should never have been laid. The Crown Solicitors opinion was not sought. The charge is now withdrawn - within 24 hours of Mr Rudd's first appearance in court."

Phil Rudd, he said, had "suffered unnecessary and extremely damaging publicity as a result of widespread and sensational reporting of a very serious allegation, which, on any basis, was never justified".

Phil Rudd had recently complained of being harassed by local police. Hitting Rudd with such a damaging charge, and then almost immediately dropping makes Rudd's claims more plausible.


By Darryl Mason

More than twelve hours after the incredible news that AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd had been arrested for allegedly trying to hire a 'hitman' to kill two people (charges now dropped), AC/DC released a short, sharp official statement on their Facebook page:

AC/DC: "We've only become aware of Phil's arrest as the news was breaking. We have no further comment. Phil's absence will not affect the release of our new album Rock or Bust and upcoming tour next year."

That's it, no other comment, nothing more to say. Phil Rudd is out, or so it would seem, and AC/DC will move forward with plans to release their new album, 'Rock Or Bust' and tour the world.

The reaction on Facebook from fans was mixed. Along with requests to tour 100 different countries around the world, hundreds more pitched themselves, or their friends, to be AC/DC's new drummer. But some AC/DC fans were shocked by the band's reaction to Phil Rudd's arrest:
"That's one way to wash your hands of him"

"You've replaced every other member within a fortnight so why would this case be any different?"

"Way to stand by your Man, you blokes. Isnt he ya mate no more?"

"Man AC/DC, your response is kinda cold, but the show must go on - I guess."

"That does indeed sound a message of strong support for your comrade. For those about to tour, we'll ignore you."
Rudd was arrested yesterday morning at his home in New Zealand, and held by police until he faced court just after midday. He appeared disheveled, barefoot, looking tired, weary and confused.

The 60 year old Rudd was charged with threatening to kill, attempting to procure murder and possession of cannabis and methamphetamine.

As a million tweeters and Facebook posters pointed out, hiring someone to kill for you is the subject matter of at least 3 AC/DC songs, but the story gets even weirder.

The man Rudd allegedly hired to do his killing has denied any knowledge of Rudd's requests to local media, and defended him. "He's a good fella, with a big heart."

Rudd and the unnamed man have been on fishing expeditions and flights in Rudd's helicopter, as well as tooling around New Zealand's islands in sports cars.

"You've got to feel sorry for him," the man said, "just the expectations everyone has of him."

Rudd is not expected to tour with AC/DC next year, and they may announce his departure from the band before the late November release of 'Rock Or Bust.'

The drummer was clearly looking forward to hitting the road again in 2015 with AC/DC, when he was giving interviews in August for his solo album.

""Angus Young will never retire,” he declared. "We were never going to retire. It’ll never happen. Angus will never retire and as long as Angus never retires I won’t fucking retire either."

“I’ll get a call a month before they need me," Rudd explained, of how a new AC/DC tour begins. "We’ve done some long, hard tours. It’s not easy. You do it for 18 months you’re the walking dead when you finish, especially as you get older. But everything’s great in the band, we’re ready to fire up on all cylinders again.”

During those interviews, Rudd also revealed his drumming sessions for the new album, written entirely by Angus Young, took 10 days to record, back in May, in Vancouver.

What happens next to Phil Rudd is anyone's guess, but being fired from AC/DC, on top of fighting some hardcore police charges, will have a psychological impact. At least publicly, AC/DC have made it clear Rudd is on his own, though behind-the-scenes support is likely being offered, if not by band members then at least management. No-one in AC/DC would want this year to become anymore tragic.

Phil Rudd was already well known in Australian rock music circles, particularly the thriving Melbourne scene, before he first sat in as AC/DC's drummer near the end of 1974, doing time with Angry Anderson in Buster Brown, and Lobby Loyde's Coloured Balls.

A close friend of Bon Scott, Phil Rudd was left shattered by his mate's death in 1980, just as the band was on the brink of mega-stardom. Massive success still found the band, with the Back In Black album, but Rudd was caught up in alcohol abuse and drug habits that eventually saw him fired, or asked to leave, AC/DC in 1983, after what was said to be a horrible showdown with AC/DC founder Malcolm Young.

The AC/DC sound was lacking with the departure of Rudd, a swing king and snap-tight beat keeper, and almost a decade would pass before he jammed once more with AC/DC and officially rejoined in 1994.

In total, Rudd has been AC/DC's drummer for almost 30 years, and played on their most acclaimed, and most successful, albums - Powerage, Back In Black and Black Ice, but it seems clear by AC/DC's statement, and the fact that Rudd would be unable to tour with such a heavy court case hanging over his head, and possible drug convictions, that Phil Rudd is no longer a member of AC/DC.

After the departure of founder and rhythm guitarist, Malcolm Young, earlier this year, due to dementia, this now means Angus Young is the sole remaining member of the AC/DC line-up that became the biggest hard rock band in the world in the early 1980s.

As stated, AC/DC intend to tour their new album 'Rock Or Bust' in 2015. Tour dates were expected to be announced with the release of the album in late November.

Some fans are insistent that without Malcolm Young and now Phil Rudd, AC/DC shouldn't tour and should just call it quits. But AC/DC are, literally, too big to break up. At least right now. As a business, they employ 100s of people, and as a touring entity, thousands more will be employed across the course of the 'Rock Or Bust' tour. Hundreds of millions of dollars in ticket and merchandise and concert broadcast rights will be generated, probably closer to one billion dollars by the time it's all done sometime in 2016.

Banks can be too big to fail. And so can bands.

Not many now. But AC/DC is still one of them.

Rock or Bust?

Clearly, AC/DC intend to Rock.

Friday, October 24, 2014

WHAT WAS HE THINKING? PM Abbott Instructs Terrorists Where To Strike

Tony Abbott, Parliament, October 2014 (image via Twitter)

Australia still hasn't suffered a terrorist attack on our soil, and everybody agrees that is both fortunate and a very good thing indeed. But in the wake of a 'lone wolf' attack on Canada's parliament, PM Tony Abbott has been ramping up The Fear, with his near constant curious smirk, trumpeting, 'We Could Be Next.'

This morning on 3AW radio, Abbott made a clear and direct suggestion to potential terrorists where they could strike in Australia, for both impact and lack of security. Does he want terror to happen here? What the hell was he thinking? Was he even thinking at all?

PM Tony Abbott, 3AW, Oct 24, 2014:
"I suppose to extremist fanatics (the Canberra War Memorial) could therefore be a target. There's the Last Post at our War Memorial every day and I guess if someone wanted to do something gruesome that's the kind of thing that could be looked at." 
 He finished the interview by stating as prime minister he was the minister responsible for National Security.

Now that is scary.