#Occupy Australia Vows Solidarity With #Occupy Movements Worldwide
How exactly did they manage to pull this off?
In just the four years to 2009-10, the number of households in the top 1 per cent bracket of wealth (i.e. $5 million-plus) rocketed 60 per cent from 55,000 to 88,000. And that was in the post-global financial crisis period when wealth was supposed to be flattened among the executive class."Alan Kohler explains the basics of the #OccupyWallStreet movement :
My 80 second report on #OccupySydney Day One :
Below, #OccupyBrisbane begins with just a few dozen people, but they've voted to stay and, like #OccupySydney and #OccupyMelbourne, continue the protest in solidarity with #OccupyWallStreet :
This is an image of a board drawn up during the 1st #OccupySydney general assembly. Nothing too radical here, and plenty that progressives and conservatives can find equal ground on :

Glenda Kwek visits #OccupySydney :
"We are getting by. When it starts raining, it gets less comfortable," said Ben Peterson, 22, a protester at Sydney's Martin Place camp, which has been in place since Saturday afternoon.Full Story And Photos From Glenda Kwek HereMr Peterson and his fellow organisers have been busy putting together workshops to educate campers, including talks on public speaking, logistics, consumerism, alternative media and the political and economic issues of the day, such as coal seam gas.
Sydney protest organisers say they have been inundated with food since putting out an appeal for donations on Saturday."We've had overwhelming donations of food," Mr Peterson said, adding that someone brought "delicious cupcakes" for the 50 or so protesters this morning.
Some campers came with portable stoves so they could heat up their meals, while other bought pizzas and other takeaway foods from nearby restaurants.A yoga school has donated bottles of water, while members of two unions - the CFMEU and the Maritime Union of Australia - raised $2000 for the Sydney protesters so they could buy basic supplies.
Mr Lees said protesters slept under tarpaulins and in sleeping bags and on cardboard sheets after police removed their tents.The yoga group that donated water also chipped in with a stack of yoga mats.
As the Sydney protesters are being watched at all times by the police, Mr Peterson said safety was last thing participants worried about."With the police here, it's the safest place to the city," he said.
"But it's also because we are just interested in looking after each other [and not be violent]. We want this space to continue and be inspiring for people."
The #OccupyBrisbane movement finds a star, and GroupThink celebrates :
Totally.“The vibes are so good here that I havent smoked drugs for three days”
“People are not sleeping in Africa”
“We went to like round up some homeless people to give them food, it was rad”
“I don’t think this is a political thing, it’s an equality thing, i just want people to be happy. If people were happy that would be sick!”